What to look for in a nutritional therapist

Appropriate Qualifications

It’s so important to make sure that whoever you work with has the appropriate qualifications. Currently, the professional body that oversees registered nutritional therapists requires its members to have a bachelor’s (hons) degree or higher (i.e. a masters degree) from a recognised university with NTEC accreditation. So whoever you choose to work with, make sure you’re checking their credentials.

TIP: Check the ‘About me’ section on a therapist’s website/socials for information on their qualifications. And if it’s not clear, don’t be afraid to ask!

Registered with a Professional Body

Did you know that ‘nutritionist’ and ‘nutritional therapist’ aren’t actually protected titles? So literally anyone who’s done a 2 hour Groupon ‘nutrition’ course for example can call themselves a nutritionist. I know, it boils my blood.

Practitioners who have undertaken accredited training however can register with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) to become a registered nutritional therapist. They can also register with the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) or the Association for Nutrition (AfN). So whoever you choose to work with, make sure they’re registered with an appropriate professional body and you can be safe in the knowledge that they’re appropriately trained.

TIP: You can search the CNHC website to find therapists and make sure they’re registered.  

Relevant clinical experience

You want your nutritional therapist to have experience of your particular health concern(s), right? So when you’re looking for someone, make sure you check their website, socials and even their client feedback to get a feel for if/what they specialise in. It’s important to remember that nutritional therapists (much like any human), can’t possibly know every single thing there is to know about every single health concern, symptom or biochemical imbalance, so it’s really common for therapists to niche.

TIP: Google “nutritional therapist [insert health concern]” and if a therapist has those key words on their website/socials etc, they should come up. And hey, if the person you contact doesn’t feel like they’re the best person to help, I bet they’ll gladly refer you to someone who can.

Services that meet your needs

One fundamental thing you need to check is whether the therapist you have in mind offers the service that you’re looking for. Are you wanting an in-person consultation for example? Or does online work best for you? Do you want a 121 or are you looking for a programme you can download and complete yourself at home? Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not sure which service is right for you. They’ll be happy to help.

TIP: Check their availability too – they may well have a long waiting list for new clients!


On your wavelength

A therapist can have an incredible amount of clinical experience, qualifications and great client feedback, but they also need to be on your wavelength. You need someone you can trust (things can get very personal), you respect and that will be in your corner.

TIP: Enquiry calls provide a wonderful opportunity to chat things through and see if you’re a good fit. You’ll know very quickly if that’s the therapist you want to start your journey with.


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